"I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do."
- Leonardo da Vinci
We are given the ability by our creator to subdue and have dominion over this planet. It does not matter who or what you and I believe the creator is. Some may believe in evolution while others lean toward The Bible or other religious manuscripts for their accounts of creation. Again, who or what the creator is, is a conversation for another day, but we can generally agree that it took as Supreme intellect to bring humans to fruition. Understanding how creation works we have never seen anything created that was not created for a specific reason.
We also know that everything created has built within it the capability of doing whatever it was created to do. Normally the creation comes with instructions to ensure that their creation’s potential is maximized. When you buy a car, it comes with a detailed manual that gives guidance all the way down to the specific type of oil and gas required to ensure the cars peak performance. We can apply this paradigm to all creations or inventions and the results will always be the same. Human creation is no exception. The intellectual capacity that causes humans to become has specific instructions which ensure that we maximize our potential.
Built inside all of us is the ability to reach peak performance if we follow the instructions forged by our creator. Again, we could debate who or what instructions are valid, but our capabilities as humans both mentally as well as physically are unquestioned. Our abilities as humans to assess and reason on information, then apply what we've learned in real time, gives us superiority over all other living things. It is safe to say that based on our cognitive and physical abilities alone, that humans were put on this planet to subdue it and have dominion over it.
When you subdue something, you conquer it and bring it into subjection. Our creator instilled in each one of us, all the necessary tools needed to not only maximize our potential as humans, but to maximize the potential of this planet as well. Once humans were given the requisite tools to maximize their potential; the standards were established. Once the standards were established, the expectations were that we would live up to those standards. As humans, when we put our minds to it and are willing to put in the necessary work, we can literally maximize are potential in every aspect of our lives. When we are not using our minds to maximize our individual potential, we are not living, we are merely existing.
When you reflect on the notable gamut of inventions and accomplishments by humans, it causes you to ask yourself - why can't I invent or accomplish these types of things? The reason is because you continue to put limits on thoughts of yourself, when thoughts of your potential should be limitless. We continue to allow ourselves to settle for substandard existence, when we were all given the means to achieve and live up to the expectations of our creator. Think of brain and heart surgeons, astronauts, scientist, sports stars etc. These are just small samplings of our capabilities as humans.
We must use our minds, be willing to put in the required work, and be intentional in terms of doing what we were created to do. As a creation, the way that we maximize our potential is literally our outward expression of our appreciation, gratitude and love for our creator and the opportunity that he has given us to live. We have to stop being content with existing in the comfort of our everyday lives, and start living up to the expectations of our creator.
-Walt Disney
It is SEAL the DEAL’s mission to create experiences that provoke thought which extends into dialogue and ultimately through actions effects positive change.
