Darnell Jones
Darnell Jones -Johnson is a forty nine year old father of three. Although he has held plenty of titles throughout the course of his life, "DAD" is the one that he is most proud of.
Darnell believes that his purpose in this life time is to primarily, be the very best version of himself at every opportunity, no matter the circumstances, while also being an example of what a limitless identity looks like.
Darnell believes that as humans, we were all created with limitless capabilities, but that its on us as individuals to explore as well as maximize on our opportunities to step outside of those identity boxes that govern most of our lives, and push our personal limits.
Darnell is the founder and CEO of Seal the Deal, LLC, who's mission is to create experiences that provoke thought, which extends into dialogue, and ultimately through action, effects positive change. Darnell believes that human life by its very nature requires discipline, passion and dedication, and he is extremely passionate about being pro active in terms of effecting positive change through human relations.
Darnell has a wealth of experience in terms of cognitive behavior therapy, and graduated with high honors from Stratford Career Institute in psychology and social work. Darnell has authored and self published a memoir titled DISGUISED IDENTITY, and was a contributing author in an educational/inspirational book titled GO ASK YOUR DAD.

Seal the Deal formally invites you to join our round table discussion. This environment was designed to create a non-judgmental atmosphere, where real, as well as honest dialogue takes place. We encourage you to take some time and answer each question. If you would like to share your answers, comments, or if you have any questions of your own, feel free to contact us at sealthedealllc7@gmail.com. We look forward to you joining this round table discussion and sharing your perspective as we embark on this journey to be efficacious in terms of positive change, together. Thank you for lending us your time and allowing us to provoke your thoughts.
ARE YOU COMFORTABLE AND CONFIDENT WITH WHO YOU ARE? You should always be comfortable with who you are as an individual, and you should have the confidence that allows you to present exactly who you are, no matter what the setting is. Now its understood that there are professional settings as well as recreational and leisure settings but who you are, should never have to be compromised in order to fit into any particular setting. If you don't have the confidence to be who you are as an individual, no matter the setting, that means that you're really not comfortable with who you are, and changes need to be made.
ARE YOU IN CONTROL OF THE DECISION MAKING PROCESS IN YOUR LIFE, OR DOES SOMEONE OR SOMETHING ELSE CONTROL THAT? A lot of times we allow circumstances as well as other people to have control over the decisions we make in our lives. We have to understand that we have the ability to create our own environments that are conducive to our individual success. An environment is the unique conditions necessary for something to grow. Its a necessity that we have a desired destination in our lives. If you don't know where you are going, how are you ever going to get there! Once you know where you are going, you then create the environment necessary to get you there. once you've established your desired destination, and you've created the environment necessary to get you there, you've ultimately taken control of the decision making process in your life.
DO YOU SHOW THROUGH YOUR ACTIONS THAT YOU APPRECIATE THE GIFT OF LIFE? I think that most can agree that life is a precious gift, and like all gifts, appreciation is shown by how the gift is treated. I think that most of us have a sense of entitlement when it comes to the gift of life. We don't show through our actions that we recognize the precious gift, that life is. If I gave you a brand new car I'm sure that you would show through your actions how much you appreciated that gift. You would clean the car. You would make sure that the car was fueled by the right gas. You would make sure that the proper oil was put into the car. You would make sure that the car passed inspections annually, all in a sincere effort to show your appreciation for the gift. As receivers of the precious gift of life, its obligatory that we show, through our actions, how much we appreciate that gift. How we treat ourselves and others matters. What we choose to put into our bodies matter. Remaining as healthy as we possibly can, is a must. Continuing to learn while being the best version of ourselves, is a must. How you treat yourself as well as others, is overwhelming evidence of you showing through your actions, your appreciation of the gift of life.
WHAT HAVE YOU DEDICATED YOUR LIFE TO? As individuals, if we do not have a desired destination, we then have no sense of direction. Once we establish that destination, we in term establish purpose. When we are able to establish our purpose, we will begin to dedicate our lives to fulfilling that purpose. Everything starts with you as an individual. You have to know and understand your purpose. You have to find your passion and dedicate your life to pursuing that passion with perseverance.